It All has to Come to an End!
Everything good in life will come to end, but something else better will come along and surpise you out of your mind. This has been probably the best year of my life with all the ups & downs. Describing and have experianced it as just PERFECT, nothing less and definately nothing more......Well, I decided to start blogging after basically calling it peer pressure.....everyone I knew had a blog and like me, I also had to have one. So many stories, thoughts, feelings, pictures and just special moments were put on paper to basically define me as who I am today and I could go back and look how I have progressed.....To be quite honest, this is who I am today and I do feel very happy of being myself and what I have achieved during 2005.
2005 isn't over yet, but this will definately be my last blog.......for this year at least! It still amaze me with what speed this year raced to it's end, but it makes me smile is to I know that there will be another, soon. If I have to summarise 2005 and explain what I have learned in only a couple phrases, it will be:
1. Experiance (good or bad) builds character......
2. What you truly love might not be what you truly need......
3. Being yourself just dictates your happiness......
4. Change is good, because you learn much more about yourself then you would have otherwise....
5. Life is not about what you have, but definately about who you are and what you believe in......
6. Taking that first step towards your goal is crucial for your own level of success......
7. Worrying about tomorrow supresses the enlightment of today.......
8. Deviding reality and dreams leads to open mindedness.........
9. Believing in yourself is the key to success........
10. Real friends are forever, it doesn't matter where they are.......
11. Making the decision now is better than living the problem later......
12. PHOENIX is awesome beer.....
For me, this was quite a short paragraph, but my experiance of 2005 will live on forever. I'm not afraid what tomorrow will throw at me, what I'm afraid off is that I might not have accomplish what I intended for yesterday. Time moves on and you can never make up that is gone forever, so live the moment being yourself and you could be sure that you will be happy at the end of the day.
For me 2005 was a year of decisions.....some of them were wrong desicions and some of them were good, but I stood with that decision and I can honestly say I'm still around and I will live another day. Fortunately I had people to guided me into a direction of self satisfaction and I will and can not say that there was one moment that I wanted to do it differently. It made me who I am today and made me believe that our paths are planned for us ahead. The desicions we make determines how we going to live our life.....I guess my motto from now on will be.......Jump on the HAPPY wagon and live the moment, because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is still only a vision. What do you have to loose otherwise? What?
I definately guarantee you all that 2005 has taught us more then we bargained for. Why would 2006 be any different? It is now the time to say thank you for being with those who makes us happy. My dear friends, Christams is 1 week away.......
Enjoy it, you all deserve too. New year is 14 days away, then you have to saddle up because life will take you through another journey that we can not bargain for. It's really all what life is about.....Enjoy the journey while it lasts....No regrets!
MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.......
PS: Thanks for joining me on my journey through 2005, but hold on, 2006 will blow our minds away. Bru loves y'all!
Amazing, isn't it? Time sure flies and drags. A lot happens in a year, everything changes, and yet we are still the same in a lot of ways. A year ago, Hubsi, Timo and I met you, Herman and Christiaan on Christmas eve for a drive 'round the island. Remember that! Happy holidays, my dear!
time sure does fly bru.but i'm glad that it does.cause other wise i would be stuck for eternity on this island without you guys.and that would suck.
happy holidays...
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